- Gtk+ version 1.2.* (although PAddress has only been tested on version 1.2.6)
- A C++ compiler (and accomapnying C++ standard library) with a complete Standard
Template Library (particularly the string and vector classes). This excludes some
earlier versions of gcc. PAddress was developed with egcs 2.91.66. Since these are
template classes, those unable to build PAddress should still be able to run binary
distributions, which will be available after version 0.1.0 (beta 1).
- A *nix system. PAddress should work any of *nix platforms with compiler, and C++
library as described above, although it has only been tested on (RedHat) Linux so far.
- Unpack the archive, with a command such as "tar xfvz paddress-xx.xx.xx.tar.gz"
- "cd" into the newly created directory ("cd paddress-xx.xx.xx")
- Configure the package by running the "configure" script, with the command
- Build it with the command "make"
- Become root (with the command "su")
- Install it all with the command "make install"
If all goes well (without any errors, and hopefully without any warnings) the binary
(named "paddress") was installed in /usr/local/bin (or in an alternate location if one
was specified to "configure"). You should now be able to run PAddress by typing
"paddress" at a command prompt. The first time PAddress is run, it will create a
directory in the users home directory called .paddresbook, and in this directory, it will
create 2 files, addressbook, and rc. "addressbook" is were all PAddresses stores your
data, for information on the format of this file, please refer to the AddressEntry class
(in paddress-xx.xx.xx/src/AddressEntry.cpp), specifically the stream insertion operator.
"rc" is were PAddress stores it's configuration. For information it's format, please
refer to the development faq in the Getting Involved page,
and in the Prefs class (in paddress-xx.xx.xx/src/Prefs.cpp).
Getting Help:
If you have problems, questions or comments, please send them to the paddress
mailing list,